
Welcome to European Heraldry. This site is designed to give a flavour of the traditions of heraldic art in Europe throughout the early years of the 17th century to the present day. Most of the illustrations created stop at the French Revolution purely for reasons of practicality. The greatest emphasis is on royal and hence national coats of arms, although in certain countries a more extensive collection is shown.
The arms are not blazoned, except in certain circumstances, but the research has been thorough and accuracy, it is hoped, has been maintained. Regular updates to this site will be added in the future.


Kingdom of Spain

An additional welcome to the new design for European Heraldry. I hope it will become easier to navigate with the new search facility and clearer graphics. The way the pages are laid out has changed somewhat but I hope this makes the browsing experience quicker and better.

I have also added new pages:

United Kingdom:

House of Tudor, House of Stewart later Stuart (Scotland), House of Stuart (England), The Jacobite Succession, House of Hanover (Revised), House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, later Windsor, House of Anjou (Plantagenet), House of Plantagenet, House of Antwerp/Mortimer, House of Brotherton/Mowbray, House of Woodstock/Holland, House of Gloucester/Stafford, House of Lancaster (Plantagenet), House of York (Plantagenet), House of de la Pole, House of Clarence-Pole, House of Beaufort


Denmark (Revised), Norway, Sweden (Revised)


Modern Portugal (Revised)


Knights of the Golden Fleece 1599-1620, Knights of the Golden Fleece 1621-1665, Knights of the Golden Fleece 1667-1700, Knights of the Golden Fleece 1482-1506, Knights of the Golden Fleece 1506-1556, Knights of the Golden Fleece 1556-1598, Knights of the Golden Fleece 1700-1746, Knights of the Golden Fleece 1746-1759, Knights of the Golden Fleece 1759-1788, Knights of the Golden Fleece 1788-1804


Knights of the Golden Fleece 1477-1482, Knights of the Golden Fleece 1711-1740, House of Habsburg 1025-1519, House of Habsburg 1519-1637, House of Habsburg 1637-1780, Habsburg Cadet and Morganatic Branches, House of Lorraine (Revised), House of Habsburg-Lorraine, Habsburg-Lorraine Cadet and Morganatic Branches


Maison de Bourbon Moderne (Revised), Maison d'Orléans


Montferrat, Barberini, Aldobrandini, Borghese, Chigi, Ruspoli, Colonna, della Rovere, Pamphili, Rospigliosi, Altieri, Popes 1500-1600, Popes 1600-1700, Popes 1700-1800, Odescalchi, Boncompagni, Ottoboni, Albani, Doges of Venice 1500-1600, Doges of Venice 1600-1700, Doges of Venice 1700-1800, Doges of Genoa 1500-1600, Doges of Genoa1600-1700, Doges of Genoa 1700-1800, Doria, Giustiniani, Spínola, The Illustrious Royal Order of Saint Januarius 1738, The Illustrious Royal Order of Saint Januarius 1739-1759, Kingdom of Naples (1282–1516), Counts and Kings of Sicily (1071-1516)


German families:

Nassau Ottonian (Line) Revised, Nassau Walgram (Line) Revised, Württemberg (Duchy and Kingdom), Württemberg Cadets, Hesse-Kassel, Hesse-Kassel Cadets, Hesse-Darmstadt, Hesse-Darmstadt Cadets, House of Ascania - Brandenburg/Saxony, House of Ascania - Anhalt-Bernburg/Zerbst /Dessau/Köthen, Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (Revised), Brunswick-Lüneburg (Hanover)(Revised), Reuss (Revised), Mecklenburg (Revised),

UK families:

St George, Jones and Cole, Carteret, Granville

See Peerages:

Dukes in the peerage of England,

Marquesses in the peerage of England,

Earls in the peerage of England,

Viscountcies in the peerage of England,

Baronies in the peerage of England


Dukes in the peerage of Scotland,

Marquesses in the peerage of Scotland,

Earls in the peerage of Scotland,

Viscountcies in the peerage of Scotland

Lords of Parliament in the peerage of Scotland


Dukes and Marquesses in the peerage of Ireland,

Earls in the peerage of Ireland,

Viscountcies in the peerage of Ireland

Baronies in the peerage of Ireland


Dukes & Marquesses in the peerage of Great Britain,

Earls in the peerage of Great Britain,

Viscountcies in the peerage of Great Britain

 Baronies in the Peerage of Great Britain


Dukes in the peerage of the United Kingdom,

Marquesses in the peerage of the United Kingdom

Earls in the peerage of the United Kingdom up to 1900