Capétiens directs (987-1328)
Maison de Valois (1293-1589)
Maison de Bourgogne (1004-1482)
Maison de Bourbon (1268-1830)
Maison Bourbon de France (1589-Present)
La Maison du Roi (the King's Household)
Maison du Roi (Civile)
Maison du Roi (Militaire)
Grand office de la couronne de France (Great Officers of the Crown of France)
Chancelier de France (Chancellor of France)
Grand maître de France (Grand Master of France)
Grand chambellan de France (Grand Chamberlain of France)
Grand écuyer de France (Grand Squire of France)
Amiral de France (Admiral of France)
Connétable de France (Constable of France)
Colonel Généraux
Colonel généraux de l'infanterie
Colonel généraux de la cavalerie
Colonel généraux des dragons
Colonels généraux des Cent-Suisses et Grisons
Duc Pairs 1789
Extinct Duc Pairs 1789
Ducs non Pairs 1789
Maison d'Albert de Luynes
Maison de Beauvilliers
Maison de Béthune
Maison de Choiseul
Maison de Cossé-Brissac
Maison de Crussol
Maison d'Estrées
Maison de La Rochefoucauld
Maison de Noailles
Maison du Plessis de Richelieu
Maison de Potier
Maison de Rohan
Maison de Rouvroy de Saint-Simon
Maison de la Tour d'Auvergne
Maison Le Tellier
Iberian Peninsula
Crown of Castile and León
Crown of Aragon
Kingdom of Navarre
Habsburg Kingdom of Spain
Bourbon Kingdom of Spain
Grandeza de España
Knights of the Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece
Capetian House of Burgundy (1143-1383)
House of Aviz (1385-1580)
House of Braganza (1377-1640)
Royal and Imperial House of Braganza (1640-1910)
Naples and Sicily
Counts and Kings of Sicily 1071-1516
Kingdom of Naples 1282–1516
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies 1516-1860
The Illustrious Royal Order of Saint Januarius
Duchy of Savoy/Kingdom of Sardinia
Savoy/Sardinia Cadets
Kingdom of Italy
Grand Duchy of Tuscany (Medici)
Grand Duchy of Tuscany (Habsburg)
Duchy of Parma (Farnese)
Duchy of Parma (Bourbon)
Duchy of Mantua
Duchy of Guastalla and Cadet lines
Duchy of Modena (d'Este)
Duchy of Modena (Austria-Este)
Massa and Carrara
Papal States
Roman Families
The Most Serene Republic of Venice
Doges of Venice
Republic of Genoa
Doges of Genoa
Patrician Families
Holy Roman Empire 1745
Ecclesiastical Bench of Princes
Secular Bench of Princes
The Counts of Franconia
The Counts of Swabia
The Counts of Wetterau
The Counts of Westphalia
House of Habsburg
House of Habsburg 1025-1519
House of Habsburg 1519-1637
House of Habsburg 1637-1780
Cadet and Morganatic Branches
Knights of the Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece
House of Lorraine
House of Lorraine
House of Lorraine-Guise
House of Habsburg-Lorraine
Cadet and Morganatic Branches
Knights of the Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece
Electoral Houses
House of Wittlesbach
House of Hohenzollern
House of Guelph (Brunswick/Hanover)
House of Wettin
Princely Houses
House of Hesse
House of Nassau
House of Oldenburg
House of Zähringen (Baden)
House of Württemberg
House of Ascania (Anhalt)
House of Mecklenburg
House of Reuss
House of Schwarzburg
House of Waldeck
House of Lippe
House of Liechtenstein
Mediatised States
Princely Counts
Ecclesiastical States of the Empire
Ecclesiastical Bench 1600-1800
United Kingdom
Pre-Union Peerage
Order of the Garter
Baronetage of England
Early Royal
House of Stewart later Stuart
The Jacobite Succession
Pre-Union Peerage
Order of the Thistle
Baronetage of Nova Scotia
Order of St. Patrick
Lords Lieutenant of Ireland 1603 to 1801
Great Britain
House of Hanover
Order of the Thistle
Order of the Garter
Order of the Bath
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, later Windsor
Order of the Garter
Order of the Bath
Order of the Thistle
Families A to B
Families C to D
Families E to G
Families H to K
Families L to N
Families O to R
Families S
Families T to Z
Kingdom of Sweden
Kingdom of Denmark
Kingdom of Norway
Eastern Europe
The Russian Empire
Kingdom of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Duchy of Courland and Semigallia
Central Europe
Crownlands of the Austrian Empire
Kingdom of Bohemia
Kingdom of Hungary
Kingdom of Hungary
Palatines of Hungary
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Kingdom of Belgium
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
The Habsburg Netherlands
Orders of Chivalry and Military Orders
The Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece the Golden Fleece
Knights of the Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece (Burgundy)
Knights of the Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece (Habsburg)
Knights of the Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece (Spanish Branch)
Knights of the Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece (Austrian Branch)
The Most Noble Order of the Garter
Knights created by the Tudors
Knights created by the Stuarts
Knights created under the Hanoverians
The Illustrious Royal Order of Saint Januarius
The Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle
Knights Founders
Knights Created under Anne (1702–1714)
Knights Created under George I (1714–1727)
Knights Created under George II (1727–1760)
Knights Created under George III (1760–1811[1820])
Knights Created under George III (1760–1811[d.1820]), and under The Regency (1811–1820)
Knights Created under George IV (1820–1830) and under William IV (1830–1837)
The Most Honourable Order of the Bath
Founder Knights 1725
Knights 1732 to 1765
Knights 1767 to 1799
Knights 1800 to 1814
The Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick
Order of St. Patrick - Founders 1783
Order of St. Patrick - George III (1760–1800)
Order of St. Patrick - The Regency (1811–1820)
Order of St. Patrick - George IV (1820–1830)
Order of St. Patrick - William IV (1830–1837)
House of Habsburg
Knights of the Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece
Knights of the Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece
Maximilian I (1459-1519) 3rd Grand Master of the Order 1477-1482
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Charles VI (1685- 1740) 10th Grand Master of the Order (Austrian Branch) 1711-1740
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