Earldoms in the Peerage of Great Britain
Earls created 1707-1714
- Earl of Oxford and Mortimer 1711 Harley extinct 1853
- Earl Ferrers 1711 Shirley extant
- Earl of Dartmouth 1711 Legge extant
- Earl of Strafford 1711 Wentworth extinct 1799
- Earl Granville 1714 Carteret extinct 1776
- Earl of Aylesford 1714 Finch-Knightly extant
- Earl of Bristol 1714 Hervey extant created Marquess of Bristol and Earl Jermyn in the United Kingdom in 1826
- Earl of Rockingham 1714 Watson-Wentworth extinct 1745
- Earl of Tankerville 1714 Bennet extant
- Earl of Uxbridge 1714 Paget extinct 1769
- Earl of Halifax 1714 Montagu extinct 1715
Earls created 1714–1727
- Earl of Halifax 1715 Montagu extinct 1772
- Earl of Sussex 1717 Yelverton extinct 1799
- Earl Stanhope 1718 Stanhope extinct 1967
- Earl Cadogan 1718 Cadogan extinct 1726
- Earl Cowper 1718 Cowper extinct 1905
- Earl Coningsby 1719 Coningsby extinct 1761
- Earl of Harborough 1719 Sherard extinct 1859
- Earl Castleton 1720 Saunderson extinct 1723
- Earl of Macclesfield 1721 Parker extant
- Earl of Pomfret 1721 Fermor extinct 1867
- Earl Graham of Belford 1722 Graham extant also Duke of Montrose, Marquess of Montrose, Marquess of Graham and Buchanan, Earl of Montrose and Earl of Kincardine from 1742
- Earl Ker 1722 Ker extinct 1804 also Duke of Roxburghe, Marquess of Bowmont and Cessford, Earl of Roxburghe and Earl of Kelso in Scotland from 1741 until 1804
- Countess of Darlington 1722 Kielmansegge extinct 1730 also Countess of Leinster in Ireland, peerage for life only
Earls created 1727–1760
- Earl Waldegrave1729 Waldegrave extant
- Earl of Ashburnham 1730 Ashburnham extinct 1924
- Earl of Wilmington 1730 Compton extinct 1743
- Earl Fitzwalter 1730 Mildmay extinct 1756
- Earl of Effingham 1731 Howard extinct 1816
- Countess of Yarmouth 1740 Walmoden extinct 1765 peerage for life only
- Earl of Harrington 1742 Stanhope extant
- Earl of Bath 1742 Pulteney extinct 1764
- Earl of Orford 1742 Walpole extinct 1797
- Earl of Portsmouth 1743 Wallop extant
- Earl of Leicester 1744 Coke extinct 1759
- Earl Clinton 1746 Fortescue extinct 1751
- Earl Brooke 1746 Greville extant created Earl of Warwick in 1759
- Earl of Buckinghamshire 1746 Hobart extant
- Earl Fitzwilliam 1746 Wentworth-Fitzwilliam extinct 1979 also Earl Fitzwilliam in Ireland
- Earl of Powis1748 Herbert extinct 1801
- Earl Harcourt 1749 Harcourt extinct 1830
- Earl of Egremont 1749 Seymour extinct 1750
- Earl Temple 1749 Temple-Nugent-Brydges- Chandos-Grenville extinct 1889
- Earl of Egremont 1750 Wyndham extinct 1845
- Earl of Guilford 1752 North extant
- Earl of Hardwicke1754 Yorke extant
- Earl of Darlington 1754 Vane, Powlett extinct 1891
- Earl Fauconberg 1756 Belasyse extinct 1802 Also Viscount Fauconberg
- Earl of Ilchester 1756 Fox-Strangways extant
- Earl of Warwick 1759 Greville extant also Earl Brooke
Earls created 1760–1801
- Earl de la Warr 1761 West extant
- Earl Talbot of Hensol 1761 Talbot extinct 1782
- Earl of Northington 1764 Henley extinct 1786
- Earl of Radnor 1765 Bouverie, Pleydell-Bouverie extant
- Earl Spencer 1765 Spencer extant
- Earl Ligonier 1766 Ligonier extinct 1770
- Earl of Chatham 1766 Pitt extinct 1835
- Earl Bathurst 1772 Bathurst extant
- Earl of Hillsborough 1772 Hill extant also Earl of Hillsborough in Ireland, created Marquess of Downshire in Ireland in 1789
- Earl of Ailesbury 1776 Bruce extant created Marquess of Ailesbury and Earl Bruce in the United Kingdom in 1821, also Earl of Cardigan in England from 1868
- Earl of Clarendon 1776 Villiers extant
- Earl of Mansfield 1776 Murry extant created Earl of Mansfield in 1792
- Earl of Norwich 1784 Gordon extinct 1836 also Duke of Gordon, Marquess of Huntly, Earl of Huntly and Earl of Enzie in Scotland
- Earl of Abergavenny 1784 Nevill extant created Marquess of Abergavenny and Earl of Lewes in the United Kingdom in 1876
- Earl of Uxbridge 1784 Paget extant created Marquess of Anglesey in the United Kingdom in 1815
- Earl Talbot of Hensol 1784 Chetwynd-Talbot extant also Earl of Shrewsbury in England and Earl of Waterford in Ireland from 1856
- Earl Grosvenor 1784 Grosvenor extant created Marquess of Westminster in 1831 and Duke of Westminster in 1874
- Earl of Beaulieu 1784 Hussey Montagu extinct 1802
- Earl of Leicester 1784 Townshend extinct 1855
- Earl of Lonsdale 1784 Lowther extinct 1802
- Earl Camden 1786 Pratt extant created Marquess Camden and Earl of Brecknock in the United Kingdom in 1812
- Earl Strange 1786 Stewart-Murray extinct 1957 Duke of Atholl in Scotland
- Earl Howe 1788 Howe extinct 1799
- Earl of Mount Edgcumbe 1789 Edgcumbe extant
- Earl Fortescue 1789 Fortescue extant
- Earl of Beverley 1790 Percy-Seymour extant also Duke of Northumberland, Earl of Northumberland and Earl Percy from 1865
- Earl Digby 1790 Digby extinct 1856
- Earl of Dorchester 1792 Damer extinct 1808
- Earl of Mansfield 1792 Murry extant also Earl of Mansfield
- Earl of Carnarvon 1793 Herbert extant
- Earl of Kilkenny 1793 Butler extinct 1846
- Earl of Liverpool 1796 Jenkinson extinct 1851
- Earl of Warrington 1796 Grey also Earl of Stamford extinct 1883
- Earl St Vincent 1797 Jervis extinct 1823
- Earl Cadogan 1800 Cadogan extant
- Earl of Malmesbury 1800 Harris extant