House of Mansfeld

Counts of Mansfeld

Counts of Mansfeld 1051-1229
Mansfeld divided 1229:
Counts of Mansfeld-Querfurt 1229-1244
Counts of Mansfeld-Neuenburg 1232-1304 ex.
Mansfeld-Querfurt divided 1244:
Counts of Mansfeld-Mansfeld 1244-1273
Counts of Mansfeld-Schraplau 1244-1358 ex.
Mansfeld-Mansfeld divided 1273:
Counts of Mansfeld-Mansfeld (elder branch) 1273-1307 ex.
Counts of Mansfeld-Mansfeld (younger branch) 1273-1392
Mansfeld-Mansfeld (younger branch) divided 1392:
Counts of Mansfeld-Mansfeld (1st line) 1392-1492 ex.
Counts of Mansfeld-Mansfeld (2nd line) 1392-1499 ex.
Counts of Mansfeld-Mansfeld (3rd line) 1392-1475
Mansfeld-Mansfeld (3rd line) divided 1475:
Counts of Mansfeld-Vorderortische line 1475-1531
Counts of Mansfeld-Hinterortische line 1475-1560
Mansfeld-Vorderortische line divided 1531:
Counts of Mansfeld-Eisleben 1531-1710 ex.
Counts of Mansfeld-Arnstein 1531-1599 ex.
Counts of Mansfeld-Friedeburg 1531-1594
Princes of Mansfeld-Friedeburg 1594-1626 ex.
Counts of Mansfeld-Heldrungen 1531-1572 ex.
Counts of Mansfeld-Bornstedt 1531-1615
Counts of Mansfeld-Artern 1531-1631 ex.
Mansfeld-Bornstedt divided 1615:
Counts of Mansfeld-Bornstedt (1.Line) 1615-1717
Princes of Fondi 1717-1780
Princes of Colloredo and Princes of Mansfeld-Bornstedt (Colloredo-Mansfeld) 1780-present
Mansfeld titular dignities inherited by the Austrian family of Colloredo; Lands to Saxony 1780-1815, then Prussia thereafter.
Counts of Mansfeld-Bornstedt (2.Line) 1615-1662 ex.
Counts of Mansfeld-Bornstedt (3.Line) 1615-1623 ex.
Counts of Mansfeld-Bornstedt (4.Line) 1615-1694 ex.
Mansfeld-Hinterortische line divided 1560:
Counts of Mansfeld-Hinterortische Elder branch 1560-1666 ex.
Counts of Mansfeld-Hinterortische Intermediate branch 1560-1628 ex.
Counts of Mansfeld-Hinterortische Younger branch 1560-1590 ex.

Counts of Mansfeld-Querfurt

Counts of Mansfeld-Vorderortische

Princes of Colloredo and Princes of Mansfeld-Bornstedt
- Hoyer IV,(1484-1540), Count of Mansfeld-Vorderortische, Knight of the Golden Fleece.
- Johann Gebhard von Mansfeld-Vorderortische , (d.1562), Prince-Archbishop of Cologne from 1558.
- Peter Ernest I,(1517-1604), Prince of Mansfeld-Friedeburg, Knight of the Golden Fleece.
- Francis Maximilian,(1639-1692), Count of Mansfeld-Bornstedt, Knight of the Golden Fleece.
- Henry Francis,(1646-1715), Prince of Fondi, Knight of the Golden Fleece.
- John Baptist III, (1656-1729), Count of Colloredo-Mantua, Knight of the Golden Fleece.
- Rudolf Joseph, (1706-1788), Count of Colloredo-Waldsee-Mels, Knight of the Golden Fleece.Count of Colloredo, Knight of the Golden Fleece.
- Franz Gundakar, (1731-1807), Count of Colloredo, Knight of the Golden Fleece.
- Franz, (1736-1806), Count of Colloredo, Knight of the Golden Fleece.
- Rudolf, (1772-1843), Prince of Colloredo-Mansfeld, Knight of the Golden Fleece.
- Josef, (1813-1895), Prince of Colloredo-Mansfeld, Knight of the Golden Fleece.
- Hieronymus Joseph Franz de Paula, ( 1732- 1812 ), Count of Colloredo-Waldsee-Mels, Prince-Bishop of Gurk from 1761 and Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg from 1771 until 1803.
- Anton Theodor, (1729-1811), Count of Colloredo-Waldsee-Mels, Cardinal and Prince-Bishop of Olmütz from 1778.

Hoyer IV,(1484-1540), Count of Mansfeld-Vorderortische

Prince-Archbishop of Cologne

Peter Ernest I,(1517-1604), Prince of Mansfeld-Friedeburg

Francis Maximilian,(1639-1692), Count of Mansfeld-Bornstedt

Count of Colloredo

Prince of Colloredo-Mansfeld

Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg